Weekly Study Session

Each week we will do a quiz and a lab. I'll record the quiz walk through and the lab for later reference on youtube. We will start with the first lab referenced in the ACE study guide and simply complete as many possible each week in two hours.

Sep 13, 2020, 2:00 – 4:00 PM


Key Themes

CloudDevOpsIoTMachine Learning

About this event

Each week we will do a quiz and a lab. I'll record the quiz walk through and the lab for later reference on youtube. We will start with the first lab referenced in the ACE study guide and simply complete as many possible each week in two hours.

Join the slack via this URL https://join.slack.com/t/rtp-gcp/shared_invite/zt-ei20ib1z-VQuI16Q0GbV_YbRKVUcM2g


  • John Davis

    GDG Cloud RTP Organizer, MSEE Johns Hopkins, BSEE/CPE NCSU


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  • John Davis


    GDG Organizer

  • Aukje Holtrop

    GDG Organizer

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