TensorFlow and Deep Learning Presentation and HOW

GDG Cloud Phoenix

Free Lunch, Free Training, Free Stuff. TensorFlow is cross-platform, and it's something that's been a defining goal of the project---write your experiments, then run on many different platforms. It runs on nearly everything, from CPUs to GPUs to mobile to the Internet Of Things, and event TPUs. (TPUs are Tensor Processing Units, which are specialized hardware on which you can do tensor operations

Dec 11, 2019, 6:00 – 9:00 PM

2 RSVP'd

Key Themes

CloudMachine Learning

About this event

Free Lunch, Free Training, Free Stuff.

TensorFlow is cross-platform, and it's something that's been a defining goal of the project---write your experiments, then run on many different platforms. It runs on nearly everything, from CPUs to GPUs to mobile to the Internet Of Things, and event TPUs. (TPUs are Tensor Processing Units, which are specialized hardware on which you can do tensor operations.)

Along with this presentation, we have a Cloud StudyJam. Want to get started on Machine Learning, but don't know where to begin? Join us for our Cloud Study Jam! Get official Google training, a $55+ value, free of charge. Together we will work through several labs. You will get hands-on experience with Machine Learning Image Processing on Google Cloud, and integration with the Google Cloud Platform is seamless. In this advanced-level quest, you will be exposed to a wide range of ML use cases and will get hands-on practice using solutions over the course of 5 labs. What is this like? Watch:

TensorFlow is library for is an open source software library for high performance numerical computation that's great for writing models that can train and run on platforms ranging from your laptop to a fleet of servers in the Cloud to an edge device. This quest takes you beyond the basics of using predefined models and teaches you how to build, train and deploy your own on GCP.

From building a TensorFlow model, Cloud Storage, Vision API, AutoML Vision, Cloud Vision API to detect objects, faces, and landmarks, and Natural Language and Translation.
Using large scale computing power to recognize patterns and "read" images is one of the foundational technologies in AI, from self-driving cars to facial recognition. The Google Cloud Platform provides world-class speed and accuracy via systems that can be utilized by simply calling APIs. With these and a host of other APIs, GCP has a tool for just about any machine learning job. In this introductory quest, you will get hands-on practice with machine learning as it applies to image processing by taking labs that will enable you to label images, detect faces and landmarks, as well as extract, analyze, and translate text from within images.

Then after our live session, you will have free access to more labs you can finish at home. Complete all labs in the quest and earn a Google-hosted badge for your online profile, and additional 30 days access to the training platform to complete any labs you want

Bring a laptop and charger (PC, Mac or Chromebook)! The labs will run on all of the latest versions of the popular browsers. For the best experience, make sure your laptop has Firefox or Chrome installed. Don’t forget your charger.


  • Sheldon McGee


    Engineering Manager

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