The DevFest season is here and GDG Cloud Montreal is hosting 1st Cloud/AI DevFest at ETS and invites Ottawa GDG Community to the event. Tickets are now available at : 🛑 You only need to get your tickets from Eventbrite, you do not have to sign up on this meetup page for the event. 🛑 🛑GDG
The DevFest season is here and GDG Cloud Montreal is hosting 1st Cloud/AI DevFest at ETS and invites Ottawa GDG Community to the event.
Tickets are now available at :
🛑 You only need to get your tickets from Eventbrite, you do not have to sign up on this meetup page for the event. 🛑
🛑GDG Ottawa Community will receive 50% code discount for early bird tickets🛑
The DevFest season is here and GDG Cloud Montreal is hosting 1st Cloud/AI DevFest at ETS.
Cloud and AI DevFest featuring:
8 speakers from Ottawa!!!
Our sponsors and supporters: CNCF, Google, Pythain, StackRox, Jfrog, Elastic
3 tracks : Cloud/CNCF/CI/CD | AI/ML | Security
20+ tech sessions : Check out our fantastic lineup.
3 workshops: Istio Service Mesh | Tensorflow on GCP | Chatbot with ML
4 CNCF Ambassadors: Archy, Chris Gaune, Baruch Sadagoursky, Lee Calcote
Breakfast, Coffee Brakes, Lunch, 5 a 7 with DJ
Istio Workshops by CNCF Ambassadors Lee Calcote & Archy
Tensorflow on GCP Cloud Study Jam by Carlos Timoteo
Implementing a Help Desk Chatbot with Dialogflow, BQML
Dev/DevOps/Cloud Native Track:
Everything you want to know about Google Anthos
Google Anthos user stories and demos
Build Your Own Serverless With Knative
Cloud Native CI/CD with Tekton
I'm a developer, should I care about a service mesh?
Unified Observability with OpenTelemetry
DevOps Patterns and Antipatterns for Continuous Software Updates
Applying GitOps and Progressive Delivery to Machine Learning Ops with Flux
Designing a complete CI-CD pipeline using Argo
Modern DevOps with Spinnaker
Kubernetes Operators for Kafka, Spark, Cassandra
Data integration with Cloud Data Fusion
AI/ML track:
Implementing a Help Desk Chatbot with Dialogflow
Advanced Analytics and ML with BigQuery
Validate and monitor your AI and machine learning models
Using machine learning to test faster than the competition!
Security Track:
Compliant Infrastructure as Code with Terraform and Atlantis
Advanced Analytics and ML with BigQuery by Bjoern Rost
Validate and monitor your AI and machine learning models
A/B testing on steroids. Using machine learning to test faster than the competition!
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