**Check your email for Google Hangouts Link for 6PM session Summer Series of Code: July 15 - Aug 19, 2019 Every Monday 5PM EST OR 6PM EST On Google Hangouts Sign-up: https://www.codecorgi.co/summerseriesofcode Welcome to the Summer Series of Code, brought to you by Google Developers Group and Codecorgi. Every week from July 15 to Aug 19, the community will have Weekly Codecorgi Office Hour
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**Check your email for Google Hangouts Link for 6PM session
Summer Series of Code: July 15 - Aug 19, 2019
Every Monday 5PM EST OR 6PM EST
On Google Hangouts
Sign-up: https://www.codecorgi.co/summerseriesofcode
Welcome to the Summer Series of Code, brought to you by Google Developers Group and Codecorgi. Every week from July 15 to Aug 19, the community will have Weekly Codecorgi Office Hours.
Every Monday, you will review a coding challenge with a sr. developer. Office Hours are open from 5PM EST to 6PM EST on Mondays. The dev from the startup or tech company will share something dope about themselves and then open-up the floor for Q&A on the coding challenge for the week.
Week 2 Challenge 3: Create a Dynamic Image Gallery
Source: https://bark.codecorgi.co/t/challenge-3-create-a-dynamic-image-gallery/26
Lead Mentor: Eli Donahue [he/him] @ Aras Labs
Bio: Eli is a full stack software engineer with a passion for solving problems and improving user experience. As an Aras Labs Lead Engineer, he makes PLM enterprise software a little more exciting every day.
What you’ll need to participate:
1 Codecorgi
2 Google Hangouts
Sign-up to get Hangouts and Cal Invite
Your participation, submission and qualification for completing your 6 Challenges will be tracked here:
LEARN MORE about Summer Series of Code
Codecorgi.co is a developer community where we provide mentorship and resources for those who are looking for their next role, refresh their skills, or make dev frans.
First 50 community members who accomplish Summer Series (all 6 challenges) will be invited to our Developer Festival in September and get VIP swag.
Your Weekly Submissions will be tracked on Codecorgi https://bark.codecorgi.co/c/submissions/
July 15 Week 1 Challenge 2: Present List of Repos From a Candidate
July 22 Week 2 Challenge 3: Create a Dynamic Image Gallery
July 29 Week 3 Challenge 4: CSS FizzBuzz
Aug 5 Week 4 Challenge 5: CSV to Table
Aug 12 Week 5 Challenge 6: Display data from API (React)
Aug 19 Week 6 Challenge 7: Turn your portfolio into a progressive web app
Sept 14: DevFest
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