GDG Cloud NYC visits the Bronx! Join us for a day long event to get the highlights and best moments from Google Cloud Next in San Francisco, from our wonderful speakers, with talks and hands-on workshops. Agenda: 10:00AM Doors Open 10:30AM Google Cloud Next’18 - Overview (video recap ) 11:00AM Angel Rivera - Building CI/CD Pipelines with CircleCI & Docker 12:00PM Lunch & Networking 12:
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GDG Cloud NYC visits the Bronx!
Join us for a day long event to get the highlights and best moments from Google Cloud Next in San Francisco, from our wonderful speakers, with talks and hands-on workshops.
10:00AM Doors Open
10:30AM Google Cloud Next’18 - Overview (video recap )
11:00AM Angel Rivera - Building CI/CD Pipelines with CircleCI & Docker
12:00PM Lunch & Networking
12:45PM Jamil Gafur(VideoConf) - Parallelism & High Perf Computing for Dengue
1:00PM Alex Castillo - Mind-controlling the Web
2:00PM Joseph Lowery - Google Kubernetes Engine: Now & Next
3:00PM Grant Timmerman & Anu Srivastava - All About Apps Script
4:00PM Closing Ceremony followed by Clean Up
5:00PM Doors Close
*Codelabs Open at 1pm Track2
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