6:00 - Doors open 7:00 - Intros 7:05 - Talk by Ashely Miller: Building a culture of monitoring 8:00 - Networking and questions 8:30 - Doors close Speaker: Ashley Miller is the Director of Engineering at Datadog where she runs the web platform and dashboard/data viz teams. Before that she built data infrastructure at BuzzFeed, built (and rebuilt) systems at many startups in NYC. Loves wo
6:00 - Doors open
7:00 - Intros
7:05 - Talk by Ashely Miller: Building a culture of monitoring
8:00 - Networking and questions
8:30 - Doors close
Ashley Miller is the Director of Engineering at Datadog where she runs the web platform and dashboard/data viz teams. Before that she built data infrastructure at BuzzFeed, built (and rebuilt) systems at many startups in NYC. Loves working with growth stage companies.
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