Our next special meetup will be done in the shape of collaboration between GDG Cloud Munich and Hacking Machine Learning. Please register to save your spot here: https://www.meetup.com/Hacking-Machine-Learning/events/264153424/ We will have Cesar Ilharco Magalhaes, a software engineer from Google Research & Machine Intelligence / Google Assistant / News Intelligence and Realtime Event Understand
Our next special meetup will be done in the shape of collaboration between GDG Cloud Munich and Hacking Machine Learning.
Please register to save your spot here: https://www.meetup.com/Hacking-Machine-Learning/events/264153424/
We will have Cesar Ilharco Magalhaes, a software engineer from Google Research & Machine Intelligence / Google Assistant / News Intelligence and Realtime Event Understanding in Zurich. Participants will get exposed to state-of-the-art NLP architectures and techniques (Attention, Transformers, BERT), understand them conceptually and apply them to practical problems, for instance by training Transformers models and fine-tuning pertained BERT with Colab running on Cloud GPUs/TPUs.
Do not forget your laptop and power supply!!
See you at the meetup!
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