Allo! On finit l'année avec un meetup GCP exclusive! On est fière de vous presenter notre dernière rencontre avant les temps de fêtes avec l'équipe d' Merci infiniment à Banque National de nous accueillir! Pizza et boissons inclus *** We are finishing a year with an exclusive GCP meetup! We are super happy to see you again and invite special guest - Team Thanks to Nati
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Allo! On finit l'année avec un meetup GCP exclusive!
On est fière de vous presenter notre dernière rencontre avant les temps de fêtes avec l'équipe d'
Merci infiniment à Banque National de nous accueillir! Pizza et boissons inclus
We are finishing a year with an exclusive GCP meetup!
We are super happy to see you again and invite special guest - Team
Thanks to National Bank for making this possible by hosting us. Pizza and refreshments will always be included :)
Talk # 1 GCP Update by Ayrat Khayretdinov and team Google Montreal.
[15 mins]
Talk #2 - Your First Pipeline by Brandon Powell, Software Engineer at Armory [40 mins]
Language - English
When people first learn about Spinnaker and are building pipelines, they start with something extremely basic. When your pipeline is too basic, it's hard to see how to build a production level pipeline. This presentation will show you how to build a pipelines that is triggered off of a Docker image being updated and then deployed to Kuberenetes.
Talk #3 - Why Do Pipelines Fail? by Kevin Woo, Senior Software Engineer at Armory [40 mins]
Language - English
Kevin will discuss best practices for creating pipelines in Spinnaker and how to debug them when they fail.
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