Due to limited seating, kindly confirm/reconfirm attendance by Feb 19, 2:00 PM, so that we could give slots to waitlisted people. For this meetup, please note the following. 1\. Bring your own mobile internet connection. 2\. Venue is at Unit 1905, Cityland Herrera Tower (see Map) 3\. Limit is 25 participants. Thanks. —— What is a Study Jam? Study Jams are community-run study groups for d
Due to limited seating, kindly confirm/reconfirm attendance by Feb 19, 2:00 PM, so that we could give slots to waitlisted people.
For this meetup, please note the following.
1. Bring your own mobile internet connection.
2. Venue is at Unit 1905, Cityland Herrera Tower (see Map)
3. Limit is 25 participants.
What is a Study Jam?
Study Jams are community-run study groups for developers. These trainings will give you specific skill you can use for personal development or career advancement.
With a Cloud Study Jam, you will learn the fundamental
tools and capabilities of Google Cloud.
You will receive free access to our online labs. After the session, you can continue taking labs to earn Google Cloud badges.
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