9 classes meet in person once a week on Wednesdays. Plan of the lectures: 11/09 - 1 JavaScript & ES6 Fundamentals 18/09 - 2 Node.js Ecosystem & Basics 25/09 - 3 Promises and Async Programming 02/10 - 4 HTTP APIs with Express.js 09/10 - 5 Adding a MongoDB Datastore 16/10 - 6 Testing 23/10 - 7 The Frontend 30/10 - 8 Deploying & Scaling Apps with Docker 06/11 - 9 Graduation \------
9 classes meet in person once a week on Wednesdays.
Plan of the lectures:
11/09 - 1 JavaScript & ES6 Fundamentals
18/09 - 2 Node.js Ecosystem & Basics
25/09 - 3 Promises and Async Programming
02/10 - 4 HTTP APIs with Express.js
09/10 - 5 Adding a MongoDB Datastore
16/10 - 6 Testing
23/10 - 7 The Frontend
30/10 - 8 Deploying & Scaling Apps with Docker
06/11 - 9 Graduation
19:00 - 19:30 - Networking - food and drinks
19:35 - 20:40 - Lecture
20:45 - 21:00 - Resources, questions & coding exercise assignments for next week.
We will offer refreshments and drinks for our participants.
You can apply to be one of the volunteer teachers below:
*** Call for teachers link: https://forms.gle/BodYLcBGmwcrM6L96 ***
You can help by RT to reach amazing teachers out there: https://twitter.com/GDGCloud/status/1145750337715937281
- Content used is kindly shared with us from the folks from Women teckmakers Berlin.
- FAQs, recorded lessons, and assignments will be updated on this page below: https://github.com/amdcaruso/javascript-crash-course/blob/master/README.md
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