We're gathering top TensorFlow users and machine learning experts in Nigeria for a one-day event on Wednesday October 9, 2019. The TensorFlow team will be presenting a series of highly technical talks which will include the TensorFlow 2.0 best practices, TF Lite, TF.js, TensorFlow Extended, Model Optimization and much more. Come meet the TensorFlow team, hear what's new, and help us continue to bu
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We're gathering top TensorFlow users and machine learning experts in Nigeria for a one-day event on Wednesday October 9, 2019. The TensorFlow team will be presenting a series of highly technical talks which will include the TensorFlow 2.0 best practices, TF Lite, TF.js, TensorFlow Extended, Model Optimization and much more. Come meet the TensorFlow team, hear what's new, and help us continue to build our developer community!
Registration and more information here => https://events.withgoogle.com/tensorflow-roadshow-lagos-2019/
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