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Presenting the second week of GCCD Kolkata Extended Event with our partner - GDSC NSEC. NSEC is ready to host its attendees for a fun session with our GDE as a speaker followed by an online contest that will determine the next batch of attendees for GCCD Kolkata 2024.
Sign up on the given link ASAP!!
#gdgcloudkol #gccdkol24 #likeNeverBefore #ticketsToGCCD
Saturday, May 25, 2024
5:30 AM – 11:30 AM (UTC)
5:30 AM | Introduction |
6:00 AM | Info Session |
6:30 AM | Firebase + Gemini to make your apps AI powered |
8:00 AM | Lunch and Networking |
9:00 AM | Session on GitHub Actions, Codespaces and Copilot |
9:30 AM | Online Contest |
10:30 AM | Closing Session |
Firebase GDE, CIO
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