Firebase Online Study Jam & Office Hour

GDG Cloud KL

[TO SIGN UP, GO TO] Firebase Online Study Jam 2020 RSVP at: A collaboration with GDG KL, GDG Women Tech Techmakers KL and GDG Cloud KL. Join us for an online study jam session on Firebase! Study Jams are community-run study groups for developers. Google has step by step walkthroughs which guides you from start to

Apr 4, 2020, 1:00 – 9:00 AM (UTC)

12 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event


Firebase Online Study Jam 2020
RSVP at:

A collaboration with GDG KL, GDG Women Tech Techmakers KL and GDG Cloud KL. Join us for an online study jam session on Firebase! Study Jams are community-run study groups for developers. Google has step by step walkthroughs which guides you from start to finish. This study jam is a self paced, stress free and fun session on Firebase for the web. We will also have facilitators online to help you out with the material.

We will be conducting the study jam online. We will also have a Slack workspace where attendees can ask questions and engage with the facilitators and community online.

This Study Jam is suitable for you if:
1) you are just getting started with developing web apps for desktop and mobile
2) you have programming experience on other mobile app frameworks
3) you are willing to get hands-on in learning new things!

The event is free! Make sure you sign up to our event on Peatix so we can reach all attendees via email.

Join us on our GDG MY Slack workspace and make sure you join the #study-jam channel! If you aren't already on it, please join via


  • Kai Yong Lai (Vandyck)

    GDG Cloud KL Lead

  • Looi Wei En

    GDG Cloud KL Co Lead

  • Samantha Anupriya

    GDG Cloud KL Core Team

  • Sammi Chia

    Ernst & Young Consulting

    GDG Cloud KL Core Team

  • Nur Yasmin Syahirah

    GDG Cloud KL Core Team

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