GDG DevFests are community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, hack-a-thons, codelabs, and more. This year GDG Kampala together with Developer Student Clubs (DSC) will bring to you the Largest DevFest in Uganda alongside other developer communities and Industry players. The theme for this year is "Build for Digital Wellbeing." Join us on 1st December from 8:
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GDG DevFests are community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, hack-a-thons, codelabs, and more.
This year GDG Kampala together with Developer Student Clubs (DSC) will bring to you the Largest DevFest in Uganda alongside other developer communities and Industry players. The theme for this year is "Build for Digital Wellbeing."
Join us on 1st December from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm in Kampala (venue coming up) and experience speaker sessions and codelabs while networking for great opportunities.
We shall cover topics that shape technology today including AI and Cloud, Web and Android technologies.
Who should attend?
1) Software Developers and Engineers
2) DevOps Engineers
3) Tech Enthusiasts
i) Those who would like to get their hands dirty with code are advised to carry a laptop.
ii) It is advisable to come with a team if you would want to participate in a hackathon.
Please fill the form linked to give your details and expectations (Highly recommended).
Listen to GDG Leads share why they are excited about DevFest season here:
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