Google I/O is Google's yearly Developer Conference -and at Google I/O 2018 ( we are expected to learn about new and interesting things from Google, interesting for us developers, IT geeks and techies. A Google I/O extended ( event is an extension of the event, a great opportunity to get together, chat, listen to the keynotes, di
Google I/O is Google's yearly Developer Conference -and at Google I/O 2018 ( we are expected to learn about new and interesting things from Google, interesting for us developers, IT geeks and techies.
A Google I/O extended ( event is an extension of the event, a great opportunity to get together, chat, listen to the keynotes, discuss further. Google I/O Extended are taking place across the globe, at the same time or around the time of Google I/O.
Guest Chapters:
GDG Kaduna
GDG Zaria
GDG Kafanchan
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