[Online] Puppeteer can automate that! - Önder Ceylan

GDG Cloud Istanbul

Selamlar herkese, Youtube stream etkinlikleri serisine başladık, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3FaLYcQyjDn-Fe5ynDf8Q Kanala abone olup takipte kalin 😎 \------- 20:00 Puppeteer can automate that! - Önder Ceylan Puppeteer, Chromium bazlı tarayıcınızı DevTools protokolü üzerinden yöneten bir node kütüphanesidir. Genellikle insanlar bu kütüphaneyi başka sitelerden içerik toplamak veya ara

Mar 26, 2020, 5:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

15 RSVP'd

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Selamlar herkese,

Youtube stream etkinlikleri serisine başladık,
Kanala abone olup takipte kalin 😎


20:00 Puppeteer can automate that! - Önder Ceylan

Puppeteer, Chromium bazlı tarayıcınızı DevTools protokolü üzerinden yöneten bir node kütüphanesidir. Genellikle insanlar bu kütüphaneyi başka sitelerden içerik toplamak veya arayüz testleri için kullanıyorlar. Bu konuşma ile size farklı bir bakış açısı sunup, Puppeteer üzerinden yapabileceğiniz sıradışı işlemleri sunacağım. Çalışma ortamında ve günlük hayatta tekrar eden rutin işleri otomatikleştirmek isteyen herkes için ilham verici olacağını ümit ediyorum. Görüşmek üzere 👋


Puppeteer is a node library that provides a high-level API to control Chrome over the DevTools Protocol. It is mostly used and considered for scraping content, UI testing and automated form submissions. This talk aims to change this mindset by inspiring you on observing your daily routines and common patterns on your development and testing workflows. It will help you automate them in a creative way!

We’ll explore capabilities of Puppeteer with the combination of DevTools protocol and cloud functions (FaaS) across a showcase of real life use cases demonstrated over more than a dozen demos on stage. Finally, we’ll go through existing Puppeteer based SaaS solutions to inspire everyone in the room to build the next SaaS solution or open source project with Puppeteer.


Önder is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and he has been working on building web and mobile apps in various development ecosystems since late 90s. JavaScript and web has always been his passion and nowadays he enjoys it at its full while working as a Team Lead at LINKIT. He believes in team work and he shares his knowledge on ITNEXT and GDG-NL communities as a co-organiser and speaker. He's also interested in photography, capturing night photos specifically.



  • Omar Elcircevi


    ML Engineer / GDG Cloud Organizer

  • Erol Kaftanoglu

    Senior Android Developer

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