Google Cloud Days #5 - Kubernetes

GDG Cloud Istanbul

Selamlar, Program: 15:00 - 16:00 -> Hüseyin Babal - Mastering Kubernetes in Azure with Terraform 16:00 - 17:00 -> Metin Seylan - Kubernetes ve Github Action ile hızlı başlangıç. Hüseyin Babal - Mastering Kubernetes in Azure with Terraform Abstract: In this session, we will have to look at multi-zone k8s clusters by using aks in theory and do a real demo to deploy k8s cluster by using t

Jun 20, 2020, 12:00 – 2:00 PM

28 RSVP'd

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15:00 - 16:00 -> Hüseyin Babal - Mastering Kubernetes in Azure with Terraform
16:00 - 17:00 -> Metin Seylan - Kubernetes ve Github Action ile hızlı başlangıç.

Hüseyin Babal - Mastering Kubernetes in Azure with Terraform

Abstract: In this session, we will have to look at multi-zone k8s clusters by using aks in theory and do a real demo to deploy k8s cluster by using terraform with a single click. While orchestrating the cluster, you will learn production-grade best practices.

About Author: Building Hazelcast Cloud to provide Hazelcast Cluster as a service with extensive features. AWS Certified DevOps Professional. Building highly scalable, real-time systems with Spring Boot, Kubernetes, Docker, Prometheus, Event-Based Systems, and Hybrid Cloud. Ex. Sony and eBay engineer


Metin Seylan - Kubernetes ve Github Action ile hızlı başlangıç.

Abstract: Yeni başlayanlar için; Kubernetes (GKE), Github Action ve Nestjs ile beraber sıfırdan kanlı canlı biraz da elimizi kirleterek development ortamı ayağa kaldıracağız, ve dikkat edilmesi gerekenleri konuşacağız.

About Author: He is a Senior Software Developer, Open Source contributor and a Google Developer Expert on Cloud. Currently working at Scotty Turkey and mainly focused on the distributed systems and microservices. You can learn more about Metin by following him on Github! (@MetinSeylan)!


  • Erol Kaftanoglu

    GDG Organizer

  • Omar Elcircevi


    ML Engineer / GDG Cloud Organizer

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