This is an open discussion on CLOUD and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE problems/ issues faced by developers on these platforms. A group of people on the bench with high experience will be joining us to guide/ solve the issues and address the queries raised by developers. We will also initiate the Cloud Study Jam (Hyderabad) for developers where they will get a cha
This is an open discussion on CLOUD and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE problems/ issues faced by developers on these platforms. A group of people on the bench with high experience will be joining us to guide/ solve the issues and address the queries raised by developers.
We will also initiate the Cloud Study Jam (Hyderabad) for developers where they will get a chance to learn things in real time on the below topics.
1. Kubernetes
2. GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Components
2. Data Science
3. Machine Learning and the related topic to them.
Cloud Study Jam will help the developers through Qwiklabs whose 1-month access keys will provide to them to learn the things more effectively.
NOTE: Developers needs to fill the RSVP to be part of the event.
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