6 live sessions to go through the ACE certification content and exam questions. Video courses and hands-on training on the Google Cloud training platform.
51 RSVP'd
Certification Study Groups are bi-weekly events over 3 months designed for people who want to prepare for a Google Cloud certification. Join this Study Group to learn more and prepare for the Associate Cloud Engineer certification.
In session 4, we will cover the following topics:
Ensuring successful operation of a cloud solution
We will review the following material:
On-demand training:
Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
Hands-On Lab Practice:
Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform
Skill Badge (6 hrs)
The Certification Study Group offers:
[Important] Please RSVP to this event to get free access to Cloud Skills Boost. You will receive an email within 1 working day confirming the free access.
If you want to learn more about other Google Cloud training opportunities offered by Google Developer Groups, please visit this page: gdg.community.dev/road-to-google-dev-certification/
Join our Slack channel #road-to-certificatiom-ace: https://join.slack.com/t/gdg-cloud-edmonton/shared_invite/zt-1h0gxkx9z-Vm8K5ANlz6WN~sGAauvd9A
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