** 2 step Registrations (mandatory). ** Read event details completely before registering. ** Watch this event page closely for updates. ** Bring your laptop with full charge! Please register if you 100% plan to attend the meetup to effective utilise the event resources. Registration steps (all steps are mandatory): Step#1 Join waitlist in this event page. ==> https://www.meetup.com/G
0 RSVP'd
** 2 step Registrations (mandatory).
** Read event details completely before registering.
** Watch this event page closely for updates.
** Bring your laptop with full charge!
Please register if you 100% plan to attend the meetup to effective utilise the event resources.
Registration steps (all steps are mandatory):
Step#1 Join waitlist in this event page. ==> https://www.meetup.com/GdgCloudChennai/events/265800411
Step#2 Register through link with accurate information ==> http://bit.ly/GdgCloudChennaiRegistration
20-Oct-2019 : Event creation.
20-Oct-2019 : Agenda finalisation.
02-Nov-2019 : Registration closure.
03-Nov-2019 : Evaluation closure.
05-Nov-2019 : Confirmation notice.
09:45 AM to 10:00 AM : Event check-in and on spot registration
10:00 AM : Event check-in closure
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM : Building and Deploying Custom Models With AutoML
(By Kevin Nelson - Google Cloud Developer Advocate)
11:00 AM to 11:45 AM : Glimpse of TF events (Roadshow & India ML DevLead Summit)
11:45 AM to 12:00 AM : Sponsor talk
12:00 PM to 12:30 PM : Lunch
12:30 PM to 02:00 PM : TFX workshop
02:00 PM to 02:15 PM : Break
02:15 PM to 03:30 PM : TFX workshop & quiz
03:30 PM to 03:45 PM : Lightening talks ( Interested speaker can register here : https://forms.gle/51cozHQcMbUpt4aAA )
03:45 PM to 04:00 PM : Event closure
About : Kevin Nelson
Kevin is a Google Cloud Developer Advocate focused on machine learning and enterprise strategic partners. He speaks frequently at developer-focused events around the world. Before joining the Cloud team, he was a lead Product Manager on Google Drive for two years. Prior to joining Google in 2014, Kevin was a successful serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience building and managing software and SAAS companies. In his free time, Kevin is an avid sailor, brewer and history buff who loves stargazing and studying the Age of Exploration. Mr. Nelson received his degree in Information and Computer Science from the University of California at Irvine.
Venue sponsor: The Hive Collaborative Workspaces
Follow us on Twitter for latest updates: @GdgCloudChennai
Note: Photographs allowed inside venue only
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