GDG Cloud Bydgoszcz #6 (online)

GDG Cloud Bydgoszcz

18.00 Powitanie 18:20 Tomasz Cholewa | Patterns for managing objects in Kubernetes After you’ve deployed your first applications, learned almost the whole API reference by heart and proudly announced you’re the master of Cloud Native deployments, it’s time to organize your yaml files into something more manageable. It’s time for patterns that help you to: Keep them versioned in multiple git re

Dec 9, 2019, 5:00 – 7:30 PM (UTC)

15 RSVP'd

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18.00 Powitanie

18:20 Tomasz Cholewa | Patterns for managing objects in Kubernetes

After you’ve deployed your first applications, learned almost the whole API reference by heart and proudly announced you’re the master of Cloud Native deployments, it’s time to organize your yaml files into something more manageable. It’s time for patterns that help you to:
Keep them versioned in multiple git repositories
Empower teams by providing them a way to modify their environments based on a well-defined hierarchy system
Deliver and store sensitive data in a secure way
Apply changes in a controlled and auditable fashion onto multiple environments and clusters
Don’t reinvent the (steering) wheel - learn how these new patterns perfectly match the declarative nature of Kubernetes and let you keep control of dynamically changing environments.

19:20 QA

19:30 Wojciech Urbański | 12 Factor Apps - od używania chmury do bycia “chmuro-natywnym"

12 Factor Apps to dobry zbiór założeń i zasad, które mogą pomóc we wzniesieniu się na chmurowe wyżyny, ale ich implementacja nie jest łatwa.
Pamiętaj: Twój projekt nie jest pierwszym, który chce znaleźć się na szczycie, więc nie musisz wynajdywać koła na nowo. Musisz tylko wiedzieć, gdzie szukać wskazówek.

20:30 QA wrappaup


  • Jarosław Gajewski



  • Weronika Gajewska

    Events Manager

  • Kinga Cłapa

    PR Manager

  • konrad clapa



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