DevFest Boston - Spring 2023

Red Hat, Inc, 300 A st, Boston, 02210

GDG Cloud Boston

Google Developer Groups, GDG Cloud Boston, GDG Boston Android, and GDG Lawrence have decided to host a Dev fest in Boston. This would be a platform to connect with tech enthusiasts in-person after the pandemic hiatus. It would be a great opportunity for our team to provide an enriching learning experience to the attendees.

Jan 28, 2023, 2:00 – 10:00 PM (UTC)

439 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

DevFests are local tech conferences hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG) worldwide. Each DevFest event is crafted by its local organizers to fit the needs and interests of its local developer community. Whether through hands-on learning experiences, technical talks delivered in local languages by experts, or by meeting fellow local developers, DevFest attendees learn how to build together and innovate.

This year, Google Developer Groups, GDG Cloud Boston, GDG Boston Android, and GDG Lawrence have decided to host a Dev fest in Boston. These groups have kept themselves active throughout the pandemic by hosting a variety of hybrid meetups and have, in general, built strong developer communities over the years.

Since this would be a platform to connect with tech enthusiasts in-person after the pandemic hiatus, it would be a great opportunity for our team to provide an enriching learning experience to the attendees.

The sessions are formatted in a way where the participants learn about all the latest features in Cloud, AI, and Android.

CFP (Call-For-Papers): DevFest Boston 2023 welcomes you to submit your proposal for a session to be presented at our amazing event via this link.


  • Sagar Das

    Vivint smart home

    Staff Android Engineer

  • Madona Wambua

    Jibu Labs

    Founder & CTO

  • Sweet Bertilla Francis Xavier


    Principal Software Engineer

  • Kyle Lehman


    Principal Software Engineer

  • Aviv Laufer

  • Dr. Terry Riopka

    Aware, Inc.

    Senior Director of Research

  • Mikaeri Ohana


    Data science

  • Imre Nagi

    Cloud Platform Engineer @ GoTo Financial

    Google Cloud Developer Expert

  • Elizabeth Mezias

    Outside, Inc.

    Android Engineer

  • Harsh Kapadia

    Our Tech Community


  • Jinn Kim

    GDG Organizer


  • Roman Jaquez


    Software Engineer / Flutter GDE


  • Elizabeth Mezias

    Outside, Inc.

    Android Engineer

  • Roman Jaquez


    Software Engineer / Flutter GDE

  • Lukas Karlsson

    GDG Cloud Boston

    Cloud Architect / Developer Advocate


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Red Hat, Inc

Cloud Institute logo

Cloud Institute

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Aware, Inc

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  • Lukas Karlsson


    GDG Organizer

  • Norbert Kremer

    Analytics By Design

    Cloud Solution Architect

  • Roya Kandalan

    Gen AI Research Scientist

  • Uyanga (Melody) Jung

    Data Scientist

  • Marissa Fisher

    Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

    Principal Software Engineer

  • Joe Lust


    GDG Organizer

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