Learn to rapidly develop scalable cloud apps with Firebase! Firebase tools make cloud development and deployment simple. We'll dive into building and deploying your own Firebase webapps during this hands on code lab. This is NOT an in person event. This will be a VIRTUAL EVENT. Use this Google Hangouts link, and join the discussion on Slack: \- https://meet.google.com/hyz-gpfr-abd (watch) \- h
32 RSVP'd
Learn to rapidly develop scalable cloud apps with Firebase! Firebase tools make cloud development and deployment simple. We'll dive into building and deploying your own Firebase webapps during this hands on code lab.
This is NOT an in person event. This will be a VIRTUAL EVENT. Use this Google Hangouts link, and join the discussion on Slack:
- https://meet.google.com/hyz-gpfr-abd (watch)
- https://join.slack.com/t/gdgcloudboston/shared_invite/zt-4u7a3qgx-iAhKVQuDbxCdzNn9zNxGEA (discussion)
Anyone intent to learn about modern developer tools and cloud applications. Do you have a site you'd like to launch but don't know how? We'll show you in this hands on code lab session.
We'll complete this Codelab together: https://bit.ly/39mn3xc
You'll need to supply your own laptop and a good internet connection. We'll be using Hangouts, Slack and Codelab.
5:30 pm - Join group call, socialize, chat
5:45 pm - Quick cloud update, events
6:00 pm - Start labs
7:30 pm - Additional time for anyone still working, hands on with instructors
8:00 pm - Wrap up
Already a Firebase expert? Want to reach for the stars?
You can work on additional labs and get help and feedback from our GCP experts during the event. Some other labs include:
- Working with Firestore - https://bit.ly/2SbSmFb
- Using Firebase Emulators - https://bit.ly/39lZWCG
- Using Firebase Extensions - https://bit.ly/2S9GDqu
- Virtual Event - no food or drink
Special thanks to GDG and Firebase for sponsoring
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