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Berlin's Google Developer Groups are joining forces again for the annual DevFest Berlin, this time as a hybrid event!
We will meet on Satruday 3rd December , between 10:00-15:00 to catch up after 2 online years.
We'll have several short talks, some networking sessions and a great atmosphere.
Organising communities:
GDG Cloud Berlin https://twitter.com/gdgCloudBerlin
Women Techmakers Berlin https://twitter.com/wtm_berlin
GDG Go Berlin https://twitter.com/gdgberlingo
GDG Android Berlin https://twitter.com/Berlindroid
GDG Berlin https://twitter.com/gdgberlin
A standard ticket costs 15 EUR and it allows us to cover the basics: rental of the venue, online platform, etc.
In case you are not able to afford it, please stay tuned for an application form for a free ticket that will be added here.
The CFP is open until 14.11.2022: https://www.papercall.io/devfest-berlin-2022
Registration Link https://hopin.com/events/devfest-berlin-2022
Saturday, December 3, 2022
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (UTC)
9:00 AM | Welcome Note |
9:15 AM | Level Up |
9:40 AM | Sustainable Web Engineering |
10:35 AM | Debugging complex Go applications |
10:55 AM | Lunch Break |
11:50 AM | How To Get a Promotion 101 |
12:15 PM | Good Security Is One Question Away |
12:35 PM | Break |
12:50 PM | Hype Driven Development: How I learned to stop worrying and love the failures |
1:45 PM | Community open mic |
3:55 PM | Wrap up and Group Picture |
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