\-- This is a FREE meetup -- Please DO NOT RSVP, instead fill this form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VO2xcG2bB0TwW0IyvuRcjlXxKwpfQjkbrHLhrPxwGkw/ Glad to announce another Cloud Study Jam on 31th March which will be a joint meetup with Developer Student Club, RNSIT. The theme for this event is "Data and ML on GCP". Agenda: 9:30 - Introduction 10:00 - Intro to SQL 11:00 - BigQuery Qui
-- This is a FREE meetup --
Please DO NOT RSVP, instead fill this form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VO2xcG2bB0TwW0IyvuRcjlXxKwpfQjkbrHLhrPxwGkw/
Glad to announce another Cloud Study Jam on 31th March which will be a joint meetup with Developer Student Club, RNSIT. The theme for this event is "Data and ML on GCP".
9:30 - Introduction
10:00 - Intro to SQL
11:00 - BigQuery Quick Start
12:00 - Break
12:30 - Speech API
13:00 - Cloud ML Engine
In case of any questions, contact: Dibyo, [masked]
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