18:30 - Doors open 19:15 - GDG Cloud - Google Cloud Update Alex Van Boxel 19:30 - Focus on your code, not infrastructure, with Google Cloud Functions Martin Omander (https://martinomander.com/) Google Developer Advocate (Google Mountain View) In this talk, we will follow the story of the fictional startup "In Jest", publishers of an app that tells jokes. At first, the developers at "In Je
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18:30 - Doors open
19:15 - GDG Cloud - Google Cloud Update
Alex Van Boxel
19:30 - Focus on your code, not infrastructure, with Google Cloud Functions
Martin Omander (https://martinomander.com/)
Google Developer Advocate (Google Mountain View)
In this talk, we will follow the story of the fictional startup "In Jest", publishers of an app that tells jokes. At first, the developers at "In Jest" need to get a minimum viable product up and running in an hour. As their business grows they will have to integrate with Google Sheets, databases, analytics systems, marketing systems and so on. We will see the 100 lines of code needed to make this happen, without having to worry the team about servers and data centers.
20:30 - Networking
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