Monthly Presentation: RxJava for Android

GDG Cincinnati

Dan Pinciotti will show us how to use RxJava to replace asynchronous callbacks in an Android app. Dan will start with a simple chat app that uses PubNub with lots of callbacks for doing the asynchronous calls. Then he will refactor the code to the RxJava way of doing asynchronous calls, replacing all the callbacks with RxJava. We'll see the advantages of RxJava for doing asynchronous computing,

Feb 21, 2018, 11:30 PM – Feb 22, 2018, 12:45 AM (UTC)

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About this event

Dan Pinciotti will show us how to use RxJava to replace asynchronous callbacks in an Android app.
Dan will start with a simple chat app that uses PubNub with lots of callbacks for doing the asynchronous calls. Then he will refactor the code to the RxJava way of doing asynchronous calls, replacing all the callbacks with RxJava. We'll see the advantages of RxJava for doing asynchronous computing, demonstrating quite a few Rx operators along the way.

Dan Pinciotti is the Android developer lead at Dotloop (a Zillow Group company).


  • Greg Williams

    Atomic Robot

    GDG Organizer

  • Patrick Hammond

    GDG Organizer

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