With Christmas just a few days away we're going festive this month and will be creating an app that lets us track Santa as he flys across the world delivering presents to the good girls and boys who test their code. We'll be starting with an empty Android project, add in Google Maps, and use Firebase to get Santa's location. This will be an interactive, code lab style event so be prepared to have
0 RSVP'd
With Christmas just a few days away we're going festive this month and will be creating an app that lets us track Santa as he flys across the world delivering presents to the good girls and boys who test their code. We'll be starting with an empty Android project, add in Google Maps, and use Firebase to get Santa's location.
This will be an interactive, code lab style event so be prepared to have some fun coding and help each other out. Please come with a laptop with Android Studio already installed (get started here: <a>https://developers.android.com</a>) and ideally either a device or working emulator.
Food and drinks will be provided.
Google Participant Survey: http://goo.gl/GjbSNb
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