Charlotte Android Developers Monthly Meetup

GDG Charlotte

This month, in our first talk, Seth Clark will be doing a high level recap of all of the exciting new features for Android announced at this year's Google IO event. In the second talk Jeb Ware will show you how you can utilize your existing skills in Android development to target IoT with his introduction to Android Things. **Agenda:** 6:30 Check in and Networking (Pizza) 6:45 IO Recap by Seth

Jun 13, 2017, 10:30 PM – Jun 14, 2017, 1:30 AM


Key Themes

About this event

This month, in our first talk, Seth Clark will be doing a high level recap of all of the exciting new features for Android announced at this year's Google IO event.

 In the second talk Jeb Ware will show you how you can utilize your existing skills in Android development to target IoT with his introduction to Android Things.


6:30  Check in and Networking (Pizza)

6:45  IO Recap by Seth Clark

7:15  Introduction to Android Things by Jeb Ware

7:45  Q&A

8:00  Wrap up


Seth Clark

Seth has been developing applications and libraries professionally for Android for the past 6 years.  Once a developer and Bank of America where he helped deliver Android products to over 20 million users, he now works for Salesforce on their Marketing Cloud SDK.

Jeb Ware

Jeb has been developing for Android since the original G1. He has worked at Lockheed Martin and Charles Schwab, and made apps for several local startups.  He enjoys breaking a new phone every six months, trying out the shiny new APIs in each Android release, and long walks on the beach at sunset.­­ 


  • Miguel Avila

    Daily View Pools LLC


  • Rey Velasco

    WTM Ambassador

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