We all have the power and the responsibility to impact the future of technology and society, with AI as a major part of shaping our world. What will that future look like? And how will we build it?
27 RSVP'd
We all have the power and the responsibility to impact the future of technology and society, with AI as a major part of shaping our world. What will that future look like? And how will we build it.. As we celebrate IWD 2024, we encourage everyone in the Greater Orlando and Kissimmee areas to reflect on the following questions:
12:00 - 1:00 PM - Welcome & light lunch
1:00 - 2:00 PM - Women in K-12 STEM Education Panel
2:00 - 2:30 PM - Orchestrate generative AI with Workflows - Mete Atamel, Google
Workflows is a versatile service for orchestrating and automating microservices, business processes, data, and ML pipelines, including generative AI calls. Explore the benefits of using Workflows to orchestrate generative AI calls to Vertex AI. Dive into a demo showcasing how you can effortlessly orchestrate and parallelize generative AI calls, creating a map-reduce style workflow for summarizing large amounts of text.
2:30 - 2:45 PM - Break
2:45 - 3:45 PM - STEAMDivas: Inspiring Girls to Lead the Robotics Revolution - Chioma Aso - Founder, Steam Divas - www.steamdivas.org
Robotics is a rapidly growing field with the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. However, the robotics industry is currently facing a significant gender gap, with women being underrepresented in both academia and the workforce. This presentation will provide an overview of STEAMDivas' mission and programs, as well as a discussion of the importance of diversity and inclusion in robotics. We will also explore the ethical considerations that must be taken into account when designing and deploying robots
3:45 - 4:00 PM - Break
4:00 - 4:45 PM - Not Replaceable Yet: Human Creativity vs. AI - Kimberly Morrow - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberlymorrowdesign/
While heavily associated with the arts, creativity is a form of intelligence that we all possess, can all improve, and that AI can't touch. In this fun, engaging session, we'll: 1. Delve into some geeky brain science, learn what creativity is and how it works, and how culture, perception, memory, cognitive biases, and other factors affect our thinking and creativity. 2. Take a quick look under the hood to see how some AI technology works, why it's limited compared to humans, and why it's crucial to view AI as another tool in our toolbox. 3. Flex our creative muscles individually and as a group with a couple of interactive exercises (100% no-pressure, beginner-friendly, no need to be an artist or designer). 4. Discuss ways to strengthen your creative thinking and problem-solving skills. 5. Bring it home by experimenting with AI to see how its creative output compares to ours
5:00 - 7:00 PM - Networking Event with Pancakes and the Pancake Bot
Saturday, April 6, 2024
4:00 PM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
Welcome and Light Lunch |
Women in K-12 STEM Education Panel |
Orchestrate generative AI with Workflows |
The Intersection of Music and Technology |
Break |
STEAMDivas: Inspiring Girls to Lead the Robotics Revolution |
Break |
Not Replaceable Yet: Human Creativity vs. AI |
Networking with the Pancake Bot |
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