Google's I/O event is their annual developer event. If you can't make it to Mountain View but want to enjoy all the news, code labs and excitement this event is for you! We’ll be covering all the big announcements and news from Google I/O, as well as some of the new SDKs, APIs and other tech. We’ll have experienced developers on hand to help you through the code labs from I/O as well. Lunch will
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Google's I/O event is their annual developer event. If you can't make it to Mountain View but want to enjoy all the news, code labs and excitement this event is for you! We’ll be covering all the big announcements and news from Google I/O, as well as some of the new SDKs, APIs and other tech. We’ll have experienced developers on hand to help you through the code labs from I/O as well.
Lunch will be served and we’ll have some cool swag & prizes to give out. Tell your co-workers and friends! This is going to be a great time and full of details about all the new stuff.
Grab your GDG Sun Coast I/O 2017 Extended shirts at 50% of the profits of these shirts will go to St. Jude Children's Hospital. The other half will go to supporting the group efforts. This means you'll help cover the cost of venues, food & swag. Help support the group and a great cause and look cool while doing it. Unlike past years there are ladies sizes available instead of the default unisex sizes.
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