31 RSVP'd
RSVP: https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-lawrence-presents-flutter-festival-gdg-lawrence/
Flutter Festivals is a community led event series where developers can join to learn the fundamentals of Google technologies. - featuring Flutter, Firebase and Google Cloud content.
We'll be featuring engaging hands-on workshops involving Flutter, Firebase and the Google Cloud, as well as social and interactive sessions.
RSVP now, reserve the date and come and join us and build apps with Flutter and Firebase in a community-focused event.
There will be raffles among the attendees and lots of other surprises! See you at the event!
This event is brought to you in collaboration with the following GDG chapters:
GDG Lawrence
Saturday, March 12, 2022
3:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)
3:00 PM | Welcome & Intros |
3:10 PM | Flutter Study Jam with Qwiklabs |
4:30 PM | Flutter Trivia Session |
5:00 PM | Break |
5:20 PM | Hello Firebase From Flutter / Coding Roulette Edition |
7:30 PM | Wrap-up / Raffle |
GDG Lawrence
GDG Organizer / Software Engineer
GDG Lawrence
GDG Organizer
Data Innovations LLC
GDG Organizer
Philips Health Systesm
Senior SDE, Google Certified Cloud Architect , Flutter GDE
Outside, Inc.
Android Engineer
Data Innovations LLC
GDG Organizer
GDG Lawrence
GDG Organizer
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