Kotlin: The good, the bad and the ugly

GDG Cape Town

This month we look beyond the buzz of Kotlin and delve deeper into what are the caveats when making the change to Kotlin and if it is a language for more than just Android development. If you are a developer wanting to make the change to Kotlin, then you will learn something new at our August event. Speakers Nick Rout (Android Developer and GDG Cape Town organiser) Nick will give a small upda

Aug 30, 2018, 4:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

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About this event

This month we look beyond the buzz of Kotlin and delve deeper into what are the caveats when making the change to Kotlin and if it is a language for more than just Android development.

If you are a developer wanting to make the change to Kotlin, then you will learn something new at our August event.


Nick Rout (Android Developer and GDG Cape Town organiser)
Nick will give a small update on GDG Cape Town and as well as introduction to Kotlin basics.

Jacques Smuts (Android developer and GDG Cape Town co-organiser)
- *Java to Kotlin*. Jacques will be going through some of the issues you'll run into when converting legacy projects to Kotlin.

Wouter De Vos
Wouter will be talking on Databinding and Kotlin.

See you then...


  • Ugo M

    GDG Organizer

  • Siso Ngqolosi


    GDG Organizer

  • Onesmus Maenzanise

    APS Holdings

    GDG Organzier


    University of the Western Cape

    GDG Organizer

  • Boitumelo T.

    Mobile Developer

    GDG Organiser

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