It's #FlutterFestival season and GDG Cape Town is celebrating. Join us for another Flutter evening. We might even have some Flutter swag waiting for you!
44 RSVP'd
0. Intro & Welcome
1. State Management with Flutter-BLoC - Sylvia Dieckmann
State management is an important topic for Flutter devs and beginners often struggle to decide between several solutions endorsed by Google or by the Flutter community. One of these solutions is the flutter_bloc package by Felix Angelov, a collection of widgets designed to integrate an implementation of the BLoC pattern into Flutter. The bloc and flutter_bloc packages are mature and well respected. But are they worth the hype or do they just add complexity to your code?
In this talk I will demonstrate how taking part in the Flutter Puzzle Hack turned me from a BLoC skeptic into a BLoC fan girl.
2. BDD with Flutter Gherkin - Maureen Josephine, GDE
BDD is Behaviour Driven Development. This allows Teams to confirm that applications behave as expected. In this session, we'll have an introduction to Flutter Gherkin, which we will use to do an end-to-end Test to verify application behavior.
3. Good-byes
This event is sponsored by our friends at Peach Payments.
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