We have something special planned for International Women's Day. Join us and our partner Accso for a celebration of the women in the Cape Town tech community.
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In March we are continuing our "tour of local partners". Together with our partner Accso, we are inviting all women, non-binaries, and their male allies to join us for a special IWD event.
We'll be networking with other women in the tech industry to hear their stories, learn how to conquer imposter syndrome, and present our ideas in an impactful way.
0. Intro & Welcome
1. Nicole was not the imposter - about worries and fears when starting a career - Nicole Heinze, Accso
At the latest when you've played the game "Among us", you know how it feels to be an "Imposter". But many people also feel like "imposters" in their working lives. Self-doubt and constant questioning of one's own competencies - people who struggle with Imposter Syndrome often live and work under a great deal of pressure and in fear of being exposed. This is particularly hard in situations that are new, such as starting a new job, a switching the company, or when starting a new project. Nicole often felt this way in her past, but over time, she learned to be more relaxed about it. Now, as she interviews candidates herself, she knows that she is not alone with these fears and would like to try to take away your worries about the "what if..." in her session.
2. The power of effective visualisation, or, why you should never use a pie-chart - Michelle Kuttel, UCT
Visualisation is the graphical representation of data, an increasing important aspect of Data Science, as it is focused on communication and understanding. I have developed expertise in visualisation over several years, drawing from texts by visualisation experts
Colin Ware and Tamar Munzner, as well as my research experience in both scientific visualisation for diverse audiences and 10+ years of oil painting. In this short talk, I will explain how an understanding of the process of human perception can enable effective data visualisations that enable viewers to rapidly absorb information.
3. Be brave (even when it scares the sh*t out of you) - Catherine Lückhoff, 20fifty
4. Networking & Social
This is a joint event with Accso ❤️
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)
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Associate Professor
Co-founder & CEO
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