We're starting a small private bootcamp for Android Advanced Topics. Covering #CleanArchitecture #MVP #MVVM #ArchitecureComponents (LiveData, Room, ViewModel) #Networking (Retrofit) #UnitTesting #FunctionalProgramming #DesignPatterns Also we will cover more generic knowledge about how we work in software industry, things like #Agile #Scrum #PairProgramming #CodeReview Al
We're starting a small private bootcamp for Android Advanced Topics.
#ArchitecureComponents (LiveData, Room, ViewModel)
#Networking (Retrofit)
Also we will cover more generic knowledge about how we work in software industry, things like
Also Q&A sessions and support will be available along the two weeks
- Basic knowledge with Android
- Basic knowledge with kotlin
The goal of this bootcamp is to prepare the attendees for the market as a professional Android Developers
REGISTRATION IS closed, stay tuned for further announcement about new bootcamps.
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