From programmer to Recruiter - Road to MorcillaConf (DevFest)

GDG Burgos

We continue with Episode II of the Road to MorcillaConf 2021 (DevFest), with the presentation "From programmer to recruiter: why go to the dark side".

Oct 28, 2021, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

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Key Themes

Community BuildingInclusion

About this event

On this occasion we will have two speakers from the maximum epicenter of recruiting in Spain, they are Raúl Cotrina and Leonardo Poza Tech Scouts in Manfred [yes, those from the telegram channel who send daily job offers among other things;)]. Both have more than 15 years of experience as programmers, but now they have turned to the dark side.

Therefore, they will tell us ... What the hell are two programmers doing recruiting? Were they very bad and they had no other choice? They are going to tell us the secret of why it makes a difference that technicians participate in the selection of our IT teams.

Along with the presentation, we will have good networking where you can talk with the speakers and have a beer.

The University of Burgos, UBU Investiga and the Burgos City Council collaborate.

An appointment that you cannot miss, see you on Friday!


  • Javier Lopez


    GDG Organizer

  • Sergio Martín Marquina


    GDG Organizer

  • David de la Fuente

    GDG Organizer

  • gema arnaiz

    Allianz direct

    Software engineer

  • Rodrigo Esgueva

    Hack The Planet


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