GDG DevFest 2018 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more! Program : First Day: October 13, 2018 Track 1 09:00 Food/Registration Registration & Welcome Coffee 10:00 Talk Introduction to google assistant 10:50 Talk Introduction to Flutter 11:40 Talk What's news on Android 12:30 Food Lunch time
GDG DevFest 2018 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more!
Program :
First Day: October 13, 2018
Track 1
09:00 Food/Registration Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:00 Talk Introduction to google assistant
10:50 Talk Introduction to Flutter
11:40 Talk What's news on Android
12:30 Food Lunch time
14:00 Talk Introduction to Kotlin
14:50 Talk Why Kotlin for Android
15:40 Food Coffee Break / Networking
16:15 Talk Hands on session: Building an app using Firebase
17:15 Happy Hour Closing
Second Day: October 14, 2018
Track 1
09:00 Food/Registration Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:00 Talk Introduction to Machine Learning
10:50 Talk Flutter Code session (CodeLabs)
12:30 Food Lunch time
14:00 Talk Build Android Apps usings Kotlin
14:50 Talk Build actions for the Google assistant (CodeLabs)
16:30 Talk Your first Progressive Web App (CodeLabs)
17:30 Talk What's next GDG season ?
17:50 Happy Hour Closing
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