International Women's day is a yearly event organised by Women Tech Makers Buea. It is usually our biggest event of the year. It featureshands-on coding workshops, inspiring speakers, and networking opportunities. The theme for this year is Progress Not Perfection which celebrates all kinds of progress - big or small - Women Tech Makers Buea will be celebrating this event this year.
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International Women's day is a yearly event organised by Women Tech Makers Buea. It is usually our biggest event of the year. It features hands-on coding workshops, inspiring speakers, and networking opportunities.
The theme for this year is Progress Not Perfection which celebrates all kinds of progress - big or small -
Women Tech Makers Buea will be celebrating this event this year in their own style, with presentations around this year's theme, Interactive audience discussion, opportunities for networking, codelabs and so many fun stuff.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM (UTC)
Breakfast, Opening Prayer & Welcome Speech from WTM Ambassador |
Welcome to International Women's day by Women Techmaker Buea |
Who & Why WTM Buea I am Remarkable |
Presentations on Progress Not Perfection |
Responsible use of social media |
Lunch Break |
web Vulnerabilities |
Google Codelabs |
I am Remarkable Session |
Becoming a Block Chain Developer |
WTM Buea Success story 1 |
Discussion on Web 3.0 |
Remarks & Group Picture |
Software Engineer & DevOps
Digital Renter
GDG Organizer
Women Techmakers ambassador
Wikimedia Foundation
Senior Software Engineer
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