Flutter study jams, Buea

GDG Buea

Flutter study jam Buea 2019 will be a continuation of the introduction to flutter codelab, done during Google IO Extended Buea 2019. During this event, we will \- Do a recap of what was done (setting up flutter, the hello world project and codelab 1) \- Deeper dive by learning how to use various widgets \- Codelabs to build basic applications like a live chat app and a basic store using the

Dec 30, 2019, 7:00 – 9:00 AM


Key Themes


About this event

Flutter study jam Buea 2019 will be a continuation of the introduction to flutter codelab, done during Google IO Extended Buea 2019.

During this event, we will
- Do a recap of what was done (setting up flutter, the hello world project and codelab 1)
- Deeper dive by learning how to use various widgets
- Codelabs to build basic applications like a live chat app and a basic store using the knowledge gained during the sessions.

Come and Learn Flutter (from core flutter app devs) for hybrid mobile apps development. Develop your Android and iOS app from one codebase.

Bring a laptop! The course will run on all of the latest versions of the popular browsers.

The laptop should have Flutter installed on it prior to starting the study jam to save time. Linux(recommended) or windows/mac would all be fine.

Check out: https://flutter.io/get-started/install/
Remember the event 100% FREE


  • Fongoh Tayong

    Digital Renter

    GDG Organizer

  • Collins Chuwa

    Software Engineer & DevOps


  • Tiku Gaelle

    AfroVisioN Group Ltd

    Women Techmakers ambassador

  • Mamoudou Yaya


  • Gilda Nyenti


  • Atem Randy Asong


  • Shekinah Manyi


  • Tambe Salome


  • Derick Alangi

    Wikimedia Foundation

    Senior Software Engineer

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