Flutter Festival Buea

Mount Cameroon Eco Tourism Hall, Turbo Junction, Buea, 00000

GDG Buea

This event is aimed at bringing together developers, startups, Students, and Tech enthusiasts come to participate and learn about Flutter, Firebase, and Google Cloud.

Apr 15, 2022, 5:00 PM – Apr 16, 2022, 8:00 PM (UTC)

3 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

This event is aimed at bringing together developers, startups, Students, and Tech enthusiasts come to participate and learn about Flutter, Firebase, and Google Cloud. Introducing the fundamentals of Dart programming language, Flutter, and GCP essentials. The Importance of why use flutter and Firebase to build cross-platform products and to use multi-platform firestore with Flutter.

The specific objectives of this set of events are;

Introduction to Dart Essentials

Developer Experience (Android/ iOS)

Fundamentals of Flutter (Building a Basic Application with Flutter)

Integrating Firebase with your Flutter App

Introduction to Google Cloud

Multi-platform FireStore Flutter

Showcase of Locally built Flutter Apps



April 15 – 16, 2022
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


8:00 AMOpening Prayer & Welcome Speech from GDG Manager
9:00 AMWelcome to Flutter Festival Day 1
9:10 AMBreakFast
9:30 AMWhy Use Flutter, Why use Firebase
10:00 AMCobe Lab 1: Introduction to Dart Essentials
11:00 AMMobile Developer Experience (session 1)
11:15 AMLunch Break
11:50 AMCode Lab 2: Introduction to the Use of Firebase Introduction Flutter Essentials (Building a basic Flutter App)
1:50 PMQ&A
2:20 PMThe future of Flutter (Latest Announcements)
3:05 PMRemarks & Group Picture (Day 1)
3:30 PMClosing


  • Collins Chuwa

    Software Engineer & DevOps


  • Fongoh Tayong

    Digital Renter

    GDG Organizer

  • Tiku Gaelle

    AfroVisioN Group Ltd

    Women Techmakers ambassador

  • Gilda Nyenti


  • Mamoudou Yaya


  • Atem Randy Asong


  • Shekinah Manyi


  • Tambe Salome


  • Derick Alangi

    Wikimedia Foundation

    Senior Software Engineer

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