Extracurricular activities to do as a Student

GDG Buea

The various forms of activities to embark on while a student in a University.

Jan 9, 2021, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

17 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Career DevelopmentInclusionWeb

About this event

This event will be a speaker & Q/A session about the kind of activities to carry out while you're enrolled in a University. Time management is a crucial skill to master while a student because there are so many things to do while in school.

Multi-tasking is sometimes very difficult so what are some of the programs to engage in while doing normal school activities. We'll be discussion on some of these extracurricular activities.

This event will be live on Google Meet at exactly 8PM GMT +1

Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/gvr-snhe-xup


  • Fongoh Tayong

    Digital Renter

    GDG Organizer

  • Collins Chuwa

    Software Engineer & DevOps


  • Tiku Gaelle

    AfroVisioN Group Ltd

    Women Techmakers ambassador

  • Mamoudou Yaya


  • Gilda Nyenti


  • Atem Randy Asong


  • Shekinah Manyi


  • Tambe Salome


  • Derick Alangi

    Wikimedia Foundation

    Senior Software Engineer

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