The DevFest Fako 2017 event is a three-days-long hack-streak aimed at getting students, developers and entrepreneurs from GDGs in Fako (GDG Buea and GDG Limbe ) to learn Google's technologies such as Firebase, Cloud And Tensorflow and use them to build a PWA utilising Firebase Cloud and Offline-first functions. We intend to develop this PWA during a two-day Firebase AppFest at Skylabase Inc](https
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The DevFest Fako 2017 event is a three-days-long hack-streak aimed at getting students, developers and entrepreneurs from GDGs in Fako (GDG Buea and GDG Limbe ) to learn Google's technologies such as Firebase, Cloud And Tensorflow and use them to build a PWA utilising Firebase Cloud and Offline-first functions. We intend to develop this PWA during a two-day Firebase AppFest at Skylabase Inc on Thursday November 9th And Friday November 10th 2017. The very next day, we'll showcase the PWA, Launch a Tensorflow Masterclass, promote gender diversity as well as enjoy a Fireside Chat on Cloud Computing at Eta Palace Hotel .
Software Engineer & DevOps
Digital Renter
GDG Organizer
Women Techmakers ambassador
Wikimedia Foundation
Senior Software Engineer
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