DevFest Bucharest 2022

Novotel, Calea Victoriei 37B, București, 030167

GDG Bucharest

We’re excited to announce DevFest Bucharest 2022! This is a community-run, one-day, in-person conference aimed to bring developers, students, tech-companies and awesome speakers together in one location, so they can learn about established or emerging technologies on topics such as Android, Flutter, Firebase, Mobile, Google Assistant, Kotlin and more.

Nov 19, 2022, 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AIAndroidCloudDevFestDevOpsFirebaseFlutterGoogle AssistantIoTMachine LearningMobileNetworkingTensorFlowWeb

About this event

We’re excited to announce DevFest Bucharest 2022! This is a community-run, one-day, in-person conference aimed to bring developers, students, tech-companies and awesome speakers together in one location, so they can learn about established or emerging technologies on topics such as Android, Flutter, Firebase, Mobile, Google Assistant, Kotlin, Cloud, AI, ML and more.

The presentations will be held on 3 different tracks

- Android & Kotlin
- Flutter / Cross-platform
- Cloud, DevOps & ML

The event will take place in-person, on 19th of November 2022, at Novotel Hotel, down-town Bucharest and is part of the DevFest series of events.

Communities of people who are passionate about a topic are a wonderful way to foster and drive innovation, creativity and opportunity. Plus it’s always fun to meet and socialize with like-minded people.



Saturday, November 19, 2022
7:00 AM – 3:00 PM (UTC)


7:00 AMRegistration
8:00 AMOpening & Keynote
8:45 AMCoffee break
9:15 AM[Android] - Gabriel Stefan - Under the hood of Jetpack Compose
9:15 AM[Flutter] - Aleksandr Denisov - Building Flutter app for everyone
9:15 AM[Cloud] - Mihai Bizovi - Growing a data science team and ecosystem
10:00 AM[Cloud] - George Lica - Implementing SLOs for data pipeline services
10:00 AM[Flutter] - Mihaita Tinta - Spring Boot and Flutter integration without passwords
10:00 AM[Android] - Adrian Coman - Feature Flags - Increase the Frequency, Stability, and Confidence in Your Releases
10:45 AMLunch break
11:30 AM[Flutter] - Codrut Erdei - Flutter and Firebase real time data without compromises
11:30 AM[Firebase] - Alex Balas - Real-world Firebase usage
11:30 AM[Cloud] - Catalin Melter & Jumanazar Gurbanov - End-to-End ML Pipelines
12:15 PM[Software] - Quique Fdez Guerra - WHY and how to become a Google Developer Expert
12:15 PM[Flutter] - Alex Bordei - From Web Development to Mobile development with Flutter - a beginner's journey
12:15 PM[Cloud] - Serban Liviu - How to build a recommendation system
1:00 PMCoffee break
1:15 PM[Flutter] - Aleksandr Denisov - Workshop: Flutter app Journey from Mobile to Web and Desktop
1:15 PM[Cloud] - Calin Avasilcai - Designing a real-time collaboration backend
2:00 PMClosing


  • Adrian Coman


    Android Developer

  • Aleksandr Denisov


    Chief Software Engineer

  • Alex Balas

    Epix Mobile


  • Alex Bordei

    Flutter Developer

  • Calin Avasilcai


    Senior Software Engineer

  • Catalin Melter

    Adore Me Tech

    Data Scientist

  • Codrut Erdei

  • Cosmin Ștefan


    Android Engineer

  • Dan Tudose


    Academic Program Coordinator

  • Gabriel Stefan


    Android Developer

  • George Lica


    Senior Software Engineer

  • Jumanazar Gurbanov

    Adore Me Tech

    Data Scientist

  • Mihai Bizovi

    Adore Me Tech

    Head of Data Science

  • Mihaita Tinta

    ING Hubs Romania

    Software Developer

  • Quique Fdez Guerra

    Plain Concepts

    Director of Engineering

  • Rafaela Voiculescu


    Enginering Manager

  • Serban Liviu

    Google Romania

    Software Engineer

  • Victor Gradinescu


    Engineering Manager


Digital Stack logo

Digital Stack

Flutter Romania logo

Flutter Romania

Shortcut logo



  • Carmen Ciulacu

    GDG Organizer

  • Cosmin Stefan


    GDG Organizer

  • Marius Seinoiu

    Digital Stack

    GDG Organiser