Remote event: The Kotlin Type System + Comparing RxJava with Flow

GDG Boston Android

Boston Android is delighted to present two accomplished speakers for our first ever remote technical talk event. Schedule: 7:00PM-7:15PM: Introductions 7:15PM-7:45PM: The Kotlin Type System by Anton Spaans 7:45PM-8:15PM: Comparing RxJava with Flow by Alex Sullivan 8:15PM-8:30PM: Raffle and closing Talk #1: The Kotlin Type System by Anton Spaans Kotlin is a statically typed language. Th

Apr 22, 2020, 11:00 PM – Apr 23, 2020, 12:30 AM (UTC)

5 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Boston Android is delighted to present two accomplished speakers for our first ever remote technical talk event.

7:00PM-7:15PM: Introductions
7:15PM-7:45PM: The Kotlin Type System by Anton Spaans
7:45PM-8:15PM: Comparing RxJava with Flow by Alex Sullivan
8:15PM-8:30PM: Raffle and closing

Talk #1: The Kotlin Type System by Anton Spaans
Kotlin is a statically typed language. The compiler can help you check to see if your code does what it is supposed to do. Your task is to write correct types to help to compiler do that.
This talk will give you a good view of Kotlin’s Type System and show you how to get the most out of it.

Talk #2: Comparing RxJava with Flow by Alex Sullivan
RxJava has been the predominant reactive streams library used across the JVM for years. But now that coroutines have landed, how does it hold up to Jetbrains own reactive solution, Flow? In this talk, we'll do a deep dive comparing the two libraries and see what it takes to move complex chains from RxJava to Flow.

This event will feature a raffle sponsored by Wellframe (, so let's give them a big round of applause for making our event more interactive!

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  • Elizabeth Mezias

    Outside, Inc.

    GDG Organizer

  • Dan Peluso


    Senior Software Engineer

  • Gamze Dagdeviren


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