Road To DevFest Offline Session

Bogor Creative Center (BCC), No.4 Jalan Ir. Haji Juanda, Kota Bogor, 16121

GDG Bogor

Join us for our Road to DevFest Bogor, We will be covering a career, web, and android topics. The Road to DevFest event is a great way to get ready for the main DevFest event and learn about the latest trends in technology.

Sep 24, 2023, 2:00 – 8:00 AM (UTC)

223 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidCareer DevelopmentWeb

About this event

Road to DevFest is a pre-event that is held to build excitement and anticipation for the main DevFest event. It is a great opportunity for developers to learn about the latest Google technologies, network with other developers, and get inspired to create new and innovative things. The Road to DevFest event will typically feature a variety of talks and workshops(Online/Offline), covering topics such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, android, flutter and web development.



Sunday, September 24, 2023
2:00 AM – 8:00 AM (UTC)


2:00 AMOpen Gate
2:30 AMSinging National Anthem
2:35 AMOpening
2:40 AMCareer Dev Talk
3:10 AMPanel Discussion
3:40 AMAndroid Talk
4:10 AMAndroid Talk
4:40 AMNgobrolin Android and QnA Session
4:50 PMBreak
5:20 PMWeb Talk
5:50 PMWeb Talk
6:20 PMNgobrolin Web and Q&A Session
6:50 PMClosing


  • Utsman Muhammad



  • Veronica Putri Anggraini

    Software Engineer - Android @ eW+ (Line Bank)

    Google Developer Expert - Android

  • Rendra Toro

    SVP Industry Solutions @Lintasarta

    Chapter Lead - GDG Bogor

  • Hary Noval Ramadhan

    Full Stack Engineer

    PT. IDStar Cipta Teknologi

  • Anggiet Bracmatya (Impact Credit Solutions)

    Senior Backend Engineer


JetBrains logo



  • Husain Rahmani

    Creative Division

  • Muhammad Rifqi Syatria

    Creative Division

  • Abadi Suryo

    Creative Division

  • Dery Sudrajat

    Lead Partnership Division

  • Anna Karenina Jusuf

    BRI Insurance

    Partnership Division

  • Hary Noval Ramadhan

    Liaison Officer Division

  • Muhammad Abdul Aziz Al-Ghofari

    Registration Officer

  • Diva Ariani

    Mobile Developer - Registration Officer

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