#JuaraAndroid - Online Session #1

GDG Bogor

Compose Camp are community-organized events focused around how to build Android apps using Jetpack Compose, where attendees get hands-on coding experience with Compose.

Oct 10, 2023, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (UTC)

348 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Pastikan kamu sudah menginstall, set-up, dan memastikan Android Studio berjalan dengan lancar. Apabila terdapat kesulitan, kamu dapat berdiskusi di channel #JuaraAndroid Discord Google Devs ID.

Pada sesi ini, kamu akan belajar unit pada Juara Android melalui Compose Camp

Unit 1: Your first Android app (3 pathways)

Unit 2: Building app UI (3 pathways)

Juara Android are community-organized events focused around how to build Android apps using Jetpack Compose, where attendees get hands-on coding experience with Compose:

1. People who are new to developing Android apps (may or may not have prior programming experience) and

2. Experienced Android developers who want to learn Compose and integrate it into their existing apps


  • Cendekia Luthfieta Nazalia

    Officer System CC @ PLN Icon Plus

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    Registration Officer

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    Mobile Developer - Registration Officer

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