GDG DevFest 2018 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more! Speaker from Google Developer Expert: 1\. Sidiq Permana - Nusantara Beta Studio Speaks : From monolith to modularization, from legacy apk to app bundle 2\. Ibnu Sina Wardy - Gits Indonesia 3\. Riza Fahmi - Hacktiv8 Agenda : 08.00 - 09.30
GDG DevFest 2018 is our annual all-day developer conference that offers speaker sessions across multiple product areas, codelabs, hackathon and more!
Speaker from Google Developer Expert:
1. Sidiq Permana - Nusantara Beta Studio
Speaks : From monolith to modularization, from legacy apk to app bundle
2. Ibnu Sina Wardy - Gits Indonesia
3. Riza Fahmi - Hacktiv8
Agenda :
08.00 - 09.30 Registration
09.30 - 10.00 Opening ( Ketua STIKOM El Rahma)
10.00 - 10.30 Keynote Speech (Rizki Ramdani - GDG Bogor)
10.30 - 12.00 Sesi 1 : Riza Fahmi from Hacktiv8 (Google Developer Expert)
12.00 - 13.00 Break, Lunch Served
13.00 - 14.30 Sesi 2 : Ibnu Sina Wardy from Gits Indonesia (Google Developer Expert)
14.30 - 16.00 Sesi 3 : Sidiq Permana from Nusantara Beta Studio (Google Developer Expert), Talks about "From monolith to modularization, from legacy apk to app bundle"
16.00 - Closing
Yuk daftar!, untuk kawan-kawan developer, penggiat teknologi, mahasiswa/pelajar baik yang ada di daerah Bogor maupun luar kota.
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