**Update: Agenda for 16/08/2016** \- Introduction to the Android Study Jam format. \- GitHub workshop: Overview, create a project and solving conflicts. \- Q&A, Self-Study and networking. \-------------------------------------------------------------------- **So you want to participate in Android Study Jam? ** Awesome! Come to the meetup to learn Android development, follow the course Andro
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Update: Agenda for 16/08/2016
- Introduction to the Android Study Jam format.
- GitHub workshop: Overview, create a project and solving conflicts.
- Q&A, Self-Study and networking.
So you want to participate in Android Study Jam?
Come to the meetup to learn Android development, follow the course Android Development for Beginners or follow the Android Nanodegree, both by Udacity, just choose your level.
No previous knowledge is required for the beginners course.
Some Q&A:
- It's completely free
- It's both for beginners and not-so beginners.
- It will take place 1st and 3rd TUESDAY of the month
- August-December: Study jam
- Last meetup: 06/12/16
- All at immobilienscout24 (near Ostbahnhof)
- Guys are welcome
This is how we'll work during the study jams:
At home
- Work on your Android course at your own pace.
- Learn something that is not part of the course.
- Ask for help to the organizers, coaches and other students.
- Slack: #wtm-study-jam: Send Emojis and ask for help.
Interesting links for you:
• Follow the GDG Berlin meetups:
• Register at Udacity with the Study Jam link:
• Join the WTM Study Jam Berlin community (discussion forum) on Google+:
• Join the ADG Berlin Slack (chat):
and join channel #wtm-study-jam
you are very welcome to join other channels as well
• Watch the first video:
Reach out with any questions, and see you!
About the program:
Women Techmakers is Google’s brand and global program for women in technology. Women Techmakers provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology to drive innovation and participation in the field. Women Techmakers events are designed to promote an environment of inclusivity for women in technology, as well as celebrate women leading the industry. We want to advance, grow, and celebrate women developers, designers, and technology entrepreneurs.
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