WTM Berlin Android Study Jam

GDG Berlin

Welcome to Android Study Jam for WTM Berlin! During the Android Study Jam, you will learn to develop your first Android app, including basic XML and Java, creating user interfaces and handling the user input.** No previous programming experience is needed to complete this course!** At the meetup sessions, you will have a group of experienced Android developers available to help you. You will als

Mar 1, 2017, 6:00 – 9:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Welcome to Android Study Jam for WTM Berlin!

During the Android Study Jam, you will learn to develop your first Android app, including basic XML and Java, creating user interfaces and handling the user input. No previous programming experience is needed to complete this course!

At the meetup sessions, you will have a group of experienced Android developers available to help you. You will also have to follow and do the Udacity Android course at home. It is recommended that you do the lessons at home before you attend to the meetings following the Calendar. About 3 hours/week of work are required to complete the course on time.

If you need to catch up, you can study during the sessions too. For that, bring headphones so you can watch the videos.

The Android Development for Beginners course is split in two courses in Udacity:

Android Basics: User Interface: https://www.udacity.com/course/android-development-for-beginners--ud837
Android Basics: User Input: https://www.udacity.com/course/android-basics-user-input--ud836

Please join the linked courses! They are completely free!

All online communication will go through the Android Developers Group Slack team, please join here: https://adg-berlin.herokuapp.com/ and then Join the #wtm-study-jam channel.

Please try to do the Building Layouts Part 1 before this event.

All genders are welcome! 

We follow the Berlin Code Of Conduct http://berlincodeofconduct.org/



• Introduction: Android Study Jam presentation

• Review of Lesson 1a: We will go through the basic concepts presented in Lesson 1a on the Android Basics: User Interface

• Break

• Work together with coaches



 01.03.2017: Study Jam Kickoff + Building Layouts Part 1

• 15.03.2017: Building Layouts Part 2

• 05.04.2017: Making App Interactive Part 1

• 19.04.2017: Making App Interactive Part 2

• 03.05.2017: Object Oriented Programming Part 1

• 17.05.2017: Object Oriented Programming Part 2

• 07.06.2017: Project work

• 21.06.2017: Graduation event


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Women Techmakers is Google’s brand and global program for women in technology. Women Techmakers provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology to drive innovation and participation in the field. Women Techmakers events are designed to promote an environment of inclusivity for women in technology, as well as celebrate women leading the industry. We want to advance, grow, and celebrate women developers, designers, and technology entrepreneurs.



  • Alex Mir


    GDG Organizer

  • Emy Jamalian

    Atlas Metrics

    QA engineer

  • Jerome Mouton

    Cloud GDE


  • Louis Tsai

    Zalando SE

    GDG Organizer

  • manjula dube


  • Shrinish Donde

    Fraunhofer HHI

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